Friday, October 26, 2012

26/10/12: Olveiroa

A restful night in the albergue although it rained most of the night so my washing was still damp in the morning. Hmm - that's a new challenge.

Once again the leaving in the dark... I really must ask someone one of these days why they do this? Either way, I set off just after 08:30 just as it was beginning to get light.

The clouds promised rain but in fact it held off. I was quickly into the countryside again - this stage was even more scenic than yesterday's - and quite a lot of ascending. We were shoved onto the asphalt for most of the remainder of the stage but around here all the road users seem so habituated to pilgrims in the road that there doesn't seem any risk.

Once again I caught all of yesterday's residents - not because I try to but because my natural pace is fairly quick. I was enjoying myself. The weather was good, the birds were signing and the scenery was fabulous. It would be worth traveling to Santiago just to walk these three or four stages.

Somewhere along today's route something changed in me. I'm enjoying these last few days of walking but somewhere inside something was telling me that it was time to go home. I couldn't deny it. As I started to accept this idea I realised that while the walk itself, and all the wonderful people I've met, has been and still is fantastic, I've had enough of being woken in the dark by people dressing, and having to listen to the sounds of strangers in the night (NOT the song by Frank Sinatra!).

As I entered Olveiroa, the starting point for the final two legs of this journey, I decided to upgrade my accommodation to a private albergue. For a few extra euros I get wifi, nice private bathrooms, a bar next door (!!) and a small shop. I need to recharge a little before the next two days and have been enjoying a home made sandwich and a glass of tea. I finally got my washing dry from yesterday so am all set for the final parts of the voyage. It's not yet entirely clear when or how I shall get home again in light of changing my mind like this, but that's a small detail considering :0)


  1. nearly there!! enjoy your last couple of days.....

  2. Thanks, Ian - I certainly shall :0)

    Weather's being kind, and this really is very beautiful countryside. I'm told there's a Pagan camino up at Muxia, but don't worry I don't plan to start walking it!

    Will share photos and stories when I see you next. Should be back in the Tarn in just over a week from now :0)
