Sunday, September 2, 2012


Well here we go... in more than one sense of the word.

There's not a great deal to be said at the beginning of such a journey (accepting that the multitude of thoughts and ideas currently whirling through my mind are of no real interest or consequence to anyone but myself!), but I thought I'd just write a few words and post two photos so that there is something to read for those of you who have been directed here by my email (and I'm assuming that's presently all of you).

Let's start with a photo then:

Scarpa Kailash GTX walking boot
Scarpa Kailash GTX

For any of you interested in such things, this is an almost new pair of good quality boots - an essential investment. And I can't honestly praise them high enough thus far. I've been fortunate in having had a great deal of helpful and friendly advice from experienced walkers and pilgrims, and I've been testing out my kit before setting off, to avoid aches and pains (and blisters!) further down the road. So while I did a great deal of research into footwear and equipment in general, I tried on several pairs of likely contenders before settling on these, based on good advice about fitting.

The boots were fantastic straight out of the box - never rubbed, no blisters, and walking in them feels so easy and natural. Of course we'll see what 1200+ km does to change my opinion of them. I suspect they may not be looking quite so pristine by the end of the walk.

Onto the second (before I head out the door!):

Deuter ACT 50+10
No need to say much about a rucksack, but I was fortunate to acquire this and like the boots, test it out somewhat beforehand. So while it's a teeny bit heavier than I'd have liked (at 15.7kg), it is extremely comfortable to wear.

I've tried to keep gear to an absolute minimum, although I admit to carrying a netbook, digital camera, portable watercolour set, pencils, sketchbook as 'non essential' items. Other than that it's simply equipment necessary for the walk - clothing, first aid kit, washbag and maps. A few survival basics are included although I seriously doubt I'll need them - I gather from others that the Camino de Santiago these days is about as popluated as an average high street on sale day!

Well, no need for me to say any more. I'm going to get changed and head off - a comfortable 20km or so for my first day, and my target is to not get blisters or any hotspots. If I can make it to Toulouse without anything developing, I feel I will be safe from the risk of blisters for the remainder of the walk. Time will tell!

I might also add here, since this is going to be my main way of communicating with the wonderful and supportive friends who have been party to my planning and preparations, that while wi-fi access along the Camino proper seems ubiquitous, the four day trip to Toulouse via the currently less developed networks, means that blogging may be intermittent for a while.

So, that's definitely me for now. Over and out, and just to extend once more my heartfelt thanks to all those of you who have been so helpful and supportive of my intention to do this walk. Why I'm doing it I can't really say, other than that it seemed like a good idea at the time! ;0)


  1. So you’re on your way! Well done. Here’s a thought from Sir Francis Drake (one of the greats): “There must be a beginning to any great matter but the continuing unto the end until the same be thoroughly finished yields the true glory.” So we’ll see you in due course in the bar at the hotel of Los Reyes Catolicos Santiago .... (and that probably has Sir Francis spinning in his grave!)

    We’ll enjoy the reports along the Camino.

    Bonne Route!


  2. Remember to keep only one foot on the ground at a time.

  3. Hello! Hope this works this time - I'm being a bit thick with the comment-posting thing....I can now see a box thanks Ruth and Chris!
    I was trying to put myself in your boots Alan, setting off on such an adventure, and really looking forward to the updates! I didn't realise you were actually stepping out from Ste Cecile! Should we call you St Jean now? All the Best! Gigi

  4. Oh boy! I have landed this on my Blogger Dashboard! Episode 2 eagerly awaited!

  5. Thanks all for your comments :0) As you can see I've found an internet connection, so full updates coming v. soon!

    I've been doing quite well with the "one foot on the ground at a time" approach! It seems to be working thus far...
